
Our next concert is scheduled for Sunday, May 15, 2022 beginning at 3:00 PM at Polk County High School.

The concert theme is

Great Broadway and Opera Choruses

Registration for singers is at Tryon Presbyterian Church at 6:00 PM on March 7. Rehersals follow from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and will occur at that time each Monday until the concert.


The Director for the Spring Concert is Dr. Brennan Szafron

A native of Regina Saskatchewan Canada, Brennan Szafron has served the Episcopal Church of the Advent in Spartanburg, SC as Organist and Choirmaster for 18 years. He is now serving at Holy Cross in Tryon.

Dr. Brennan is also an adjunct organ instructor at Converse University in Spartanburg and is in frequent demand as a recitalist and an accompanist. He has performed with the Spartanburg Philharmonic, the Spartanburg Festival Chorus and will soon perform with the Greenville Symphony.

Dr. Brennan holds organ performance degrees from the University of Alberta (B. Mus. with distinction), Yale University (Master of Music) and the University of Michigan (DMA).

Dr. Brennan's non-musical passion is the great outdoors. He loves to hike and to swim. He has visited all 47 state parks in South Carolina and is close to finishing visits to the 41 parks in the North Carolina State Park system.